Saturday, August 27, 2011


We took our annual trip 'home' earlier in August.  It didn't start off well, while trying to prepare to take 5 kids on a trip across the country that included 3 flights between 4 airports and an hour ride in the car, I had a filling break which lead to an unexpected trip to the dentist, an emergency at work which required hours I didn't have and a trip to the office on the day we were suppose to leave, and a very grouchy, tired, throwing up Lilah the morning of our trip.  At one point while we rushed me home from the office so we could finish packing and eat lunch before our flight, I was listening to Lilah throw up in her bowl in the back of the car and nearly called the whole thing off!  Luckily we packed (we only forgot a couple of things), got to the airport on time, Mike gave Lilah a blessing and her stomach and disposition got much better and it turned out to be an ok trip!  Lilah only threw up once on our flight.  Luckily she was sitting on my lap so I got to stink too!  I was so glad to see my Dad at the airport and get everyone and everything loaded into the suburban for the last leg of our journey to Mattawa.  Even at 12:30 am (that would be 3:30 am my time) I was glad to be home.  My youngest sister Nancy and her fiance Marshall (whom I hadn't met before) were waiting up for us.  It was good to be there.

We had a blast amidst the stressful preparations for Nancy's wedding.  The kids played with their cousins, went swimming and boating, hit a pinata, blew GIANT bubbles, saw petrified wood, made balloon flip flops, launched rocket balloons, rode on the 4 wheeler and motorcycle, jumped on the trampoline (at 5:30 in the morning our first morning there), painted t-shirts, and had our annual water balloon fight.

All 6 of my siblings were at home and it was so good to see them!  I got to go to the temple with Nancy, go waterskiing and crash (it really hurt), talk and talk and talk with everyone, be at Nancy and Marshall's sealing, help clean up the reception and have a good time!

Going home can sometimes be hard emotionally.  It's so nostalgic for me, more so because my parents have lived in the same house since I was born! It always makes me wish I lived closer, could see my family more often, and pushes me to want to be a better person.  I look up to my siblings and their families so much!  I had a great time in Mattawa and it was hard to pack up and leave - but it was also exciting to be going to the Russell's!

More details and a lots of pictures below (although they are out of order):

 Jumping on the trampoline

All the Allen cousins in their 'tie-dyed' shirts

 Madeline taking a swing at the pinata

Anna Elise after she got doused during the water balloon fight

My girls outside the temple at Nancy's wedding in their matching dresses

Calvin and his cousin Parker chillin' with their punch at the reception

Watching the yellow rocket balloon

Anna Elise making a HUGE bubble

Anna, Lilah, and Calvin getting ready to tube

 Even Lilah could make HUGE bubbles all by herself.  I am excited to try this at home

Anna Elise knee-boarding for the first time!

Madeline taking her turn knee-boarding (Calvin tried too, but isn't on film)

A video of Nancy and Marshall at the temple right after being married!

Click here to see our water balloon fight:


J, K, L, and D said...

Sally, your kids are so beautiful & getting so big!

Heidi said...

What a stressful beginning to your fun trip! That is awesome how quick Lilah got better. I'm glad you were able to go for the wedding. It's always hard to leave after having such a good time.

Trina said...

It was so fun to see you and spend time with you. The week went by too fast. Your kids are getting so big and are so cute. I am so glad that I got to meet Celeste and wished I had more time to hold her.