Saturday, March 3, 2012


Today we rota-tilled the garden.  Well, where the garden will be.  I'm determined to have a 'real' garden this year.  Last year we didn't even try and the 2 years before were only half-hearted efforts.  It's tilled and a lot of the weeds are gone.  When it dries out we will cover it with plastic and kill whatever weeds are left and then start planting! 
 This is an extra large worm we found.  The kids were so impressed with it's size.  The incredibly dirty finger is mine =)

Mike with the rented tiller.


Trina said...

Good luck with your garden! I need to plant a garden myself.

Betsy said...

I love that Mike is wearing khakis and a sweater while using the rota tiler.

Anonymous said...

fun! our garden wasn't sensational but we were proud of our first attempt! I can't wait for this year actually..I think I will attempt a flower bed