Monday, July 18, 2011


It's been a while since I posted.  We are still here - life has just been really busy lately.  No current pictures.  We've been too busy to take any! What we've been up to:
Mom - working, doing a couple of consulting jobs on the side, taking kids to the Dr, taking care of the pool, being a mom (holding Celeste, feeding Celeste, making meals, cleaning the house, doing the laundry) dealing with the IRS (they think we turned our taxes in late, but we didn't, it will just take some time for them to figure that out), making a couple of blog books (huge pain in the neck!) trying to get caught up with the business' books, helping Mike start yet another business.
Dad - Taking care of our rentals, his two business', starting another business, church meetings, taking care of the kids one day a week while Mom goes into work.
Anna Elise - swimming, reading, decorating the wall in her room with flowers, helping with Celeste
Calvin - swimming, playing cars, making tents, chasing the wild rabbit in our yard, whining
Madeline - swimming, playing dress up, being cute
Lilah - standing in the pool without getting her face wet, playing puppy, biting and scratching, sitting in time out
Celeste - eating, sleeping, smiling and cooing, getting more independent

I've been spending countless hours going through pictures and reliving memories as I've created blog books from 2008 and 2009.  I just had to post some oldies but goodies (from 2005)!

Anna Elise



Sunshine said...

Mercy Sally. I'm so glad you have the energy for all that! If there's a secret to it, let me know so after I have my baby, I can be so productive and supportive.

Michael and Stephanie said...

Wow! I love the pics and I want to know about what Mike's new business.

Betsy said...

You are seriously amazing.
I love that you put whining for what Calvin has been up to.

Trina said...

You are very busy. Do you ever sleep? What is Mike's new business? I think that Tucker and Calvin can whine together at Grandma's house in August. I thought it would have ended by now but he still continues to whine even though he NEVER gets he way when he does it!

Jana said...

Oh my goodness! I agree with Trina, how do you ever find time to sleep?!