Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ready, Set, READ!

We read a lot of books at our house.  When Anna Elise started 1st grade she got to stay up a half hour later.  We decided to use that half hour to read!  She got the Little House on the Prairie series for her birthday and she and I read those books every night.  At first I read to her, then more recently she has read a little and now she can read whole chapters.  We have just 1 more book until we finish the series.  When the kids got out of school we went to the library and signed up for the summer reading program.  Anna Elise checked out a 'Ramona Quimby' book by Beverly Clearly.  Today she finished reading her first chapter book completely on her own.  She loves reading and I love seeing her read 
Calvin is starting 1st grade in the fall and he is so excited about staying up late to read with mom.  We are trying to find a good series of books to read together.  I am thinking of Beverly Cleary's 'Mouse and the Motorcycle' books to start with.  Any other suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Sally, I think this is so unbelievably cool!

Unknown said...

Mouse and the Motorcycle is fun! Beverly Cleary is great. Growing up I also liked The Littles, Roald Dahl, and Horrible Harry is a good 1st grade reader to start with. I've heard Nate the Great is fun (also an easy one), The Boxcar Children seem to be popular. We read Cricket in Times Square when I was student teaching. It might be a little challenging, but the class really liked it and there are a few spin off books. Some kids really like the Magic Treehouse Series. I don't care for them much myself, but Calvin might- It's a fantasy/time travel series. There are so many good books out there!

Jessica said...

We always sign up for summer reading too. I like to read to the kids after dinner. At bed time I don't have the patience any more because my kids are tired and irritable by then.

Trina said...

Way to go AnnaElise! Tucker liked Nate the Great and Horrible Harry. Tucker's favorite series is the Magic Tree House books. They start out simpler and gradually get harder.