Getting a loan has turned into a nightmare. Probably the worst part of all is not knowing. Not knowing if you are being told the truth, not knowing when or even if you will get an answer, not knowing when or if you will be able to buy a new house. We've sold a bunch of our stuff (including our chickens), we've signed a rental contract with future tenants and have to be out of our house so they can move in, we've packed most of our belongings, we've both turned to our parents for help, we've done everything we can and the only thing left to do is simply wait and try to not go crazy. We've also had record breaking cold weather (along with the rest of the country, I know). We've had prolonged periods of sub-freezing weather (which means if you have an older house and just a heat pump you are cold), a ton of snow that won't melt (and not enough snow plows to remove it), and lots of snow days. What do you do with kids at home in a cold house where most of their stuff is packed and it's too cold to go outside? You leave! We all finally hit the wall with all of this and decided we need a mini-vacation. On Friday we went to Williamsburg to a warm hotel that had an indoor pool and a hot tub! We swam and hung out in the hot tub and spent some time in a warm building with the heat on high! On Saturday we found a local bounce house and spent a couple of hours letting the kids get all of their pent up energy out! It was great! We came feeling refreshed until we realized that our house was still cold, our stuff was still packed, and our tenants had frozen pipes...but it was a nice break while it lasted.
Swimming at the hotel. They had cool underwater lights that changed colors!
Calvin chillin' at the bouncy house
Celeste sliding
Check back later tonight for the links to our YouTube videos - Mike dared the kids the get out of the hot tub, run outside, roll in the snow, then run back inside and jump in the pool. Hilarious!