Instead of being frustrated that they didn't "do" anything the last week of school, I decided to just be glad that the kids were having fun and enjoying themselves. I can just count the last week of school as free babysitting and then it doesn't bug me as much!
We started the day off right with doughnuts for breakfast! They had a half day and came home for lunch. We went out to get some celebratory ice cream that and ran a quick errand. As I herded my five kids through Target (and tried to keep them quiet and orderly and put everything back that they pulled off the shelves and keep Celeste from being run over because she insisted on laying down on the very bottom part of the cart, by the wheels) I remembered why sometimes it's a bit of an adjustment when school gets out and why I don't go out as much in the summer.
Here is a typical "photo shoot" with Madeline:
Mom says "smile" and this is what I get
Ok - Madeline, smile with your mouth open.
Ummm...not like that - smile and say cheese
Madeline just give me a regular smile.
Can you look at me and smile?
After school ice cream treat! Anna Elise didn't want ice cream and Celeste didn't want to be in the picture.