Another pregnancy update - I will probably only do 1 more before the baby comes, yeah!
I finally have a scheduled induction date. If all goes well the baby will be here on Tuesday, October 14th. That's 4 weeks from tomorrow. The midwife who delivered my first three babies has retired and the midwife I'm seeing now is fine, but just not the same. This induction is only 5 days early and will be the latest I've ever been induced, I'm a little nervous about going into labor before my appointment, but hopefully everything will be OK.
My midwife also told me that I didn't have to stay in the hospital for 48 hours (which is not what the Doctors there say) and that I could go home after 24 hours. I am so excited. I hate sleeping in the hospital. So, I should get home right around the time my mom gets here - on Wednesday, October 15th. I'm really excited about that.
For the first time in my pregnancy I am measuring smaller then I'm suppose to, which makes me feel good. The midwife says it doesn't feel like it's going to be a big baby, so another relief!
I'm feeling pretty good, my hips and lower back ache a lot, but apparently, as both my
mom and my midwife say, that's what happens when you have 4 babies in 5 years. My "to do
before the baby comes" list is getting shorter and Mike is being really good about helping get all
these things done and just dealing with my nesting phase.
We've got a name picked out but can't agree on how to spell it. My sister, Betsy, did point out that I fill out the birth certificate so ultimately I should win! In another couple of weeks I should be ready!