Monday, July 14, 2008

Bows and Brothers

The girls got new bows! Mike has always been anti-headband, but when you are as bald as Madeline, that's the only option. I know a girl who makes these cute ribbon bows - all sizes and colors! They are very cute. She makes different headbands (different textures and colors as well) with loops. So you can attach her bows to the headbands like Madeline or clip the bows directly into the hair like Anna Elise. Everything is interchangable. The girls love them! I think they are fun and Mike is tolerating them. I got the smallest and plainest bows I could order so he can't complain too much. If anyone is interested I can find the website for the bows and headbands, she has much better pictures that really show the product...

As for brothers - Anna Elise has decided she wants a new one, to replace Calvin. A few days ago, at the dinner table, she informed us that she wanted a new boy. She didn't like the one we had. I asked her why and she said he didn't like his puffy cheeks (among other things, like he didn't obey and he was mean). I looked over at Calvin and he had a really blank look on his face, I'm hoping he didn't really understand what she was saying. We, of course, told her that Calvin was a sweet boy and his cheeks were very cute and we are keeping him. Today she told me that she needed another brother (not an additional brother, but a different brother) She complained about something he had done today and informed me 'he just isn't like me and I need to get a different brother that is like me". I told her that boys were different from girls and that she probably couldn't find a brother just like her and that she was going to have to keep the one she has. I have a hard time not laughing at her. I guess it's kind of sad - except that usually she loves Calvin and I think she has just had a few rough days and gets so dramatic - if this brother won't cooperate, get a new one! Madeline has learned to climb up onto Anna's bunk (really not good for so many reasons!) this has interfered with Anna Elise's sleep and we have all paid the price for that. I'm hoping that once she gets more rest, she'll like Calvin again (and that we'll like her again!).


Eyvon said...

You have such cute kids, I don't know why people don't understand why you are having more! Darling pictures of everyone!

BrittanyLane said...

so cute. I'm a fan of headbands and bows myself as my children are also quite bald. I love Anna Elise's dress! Super cute.

Jana said...

I love Anna-Elise's comments!

Betsy said...

I love the headband, she look so cute. Anna Elise is quite the character, she is so funny.

Trina said...

Very cute pictures of your girls. They are just beautiful. The headbands and bows are very cute. What is the website where you can get them? I am sure that every little girl with a brother has felt the way that Anna Elise feels. She is very normal.