Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

Anna Elise started school today. We had a bit of a frantic morning. I walked her to the bus stop
on the corner (2 houses down, we are spoiled). It was raining so we stood in the rain for
10 minutes and waited. The bus came and without hesitation she climbed right on. I've been totally fine with getting her ready for school, kindergarten back to school night, getting her all set this morning - but as the bus pulled away with her waving to me out the window it really hit me and the tears came. I walked home to my three screaming kids and I was quickly back to normal!

She is the oldest in her class. She just missed the cut off to go last year. I am sure she was ready intellectually, but I know it would've been a real struggle for her emotionally and socially. This year she is so ready and I don't have to worry (as much) about her.
She had a great day and was such a big girl. She rode the bus alone to and from school, bought milk for her cold lunch, and handled everything so well.

We both really like her teacher and we are excited for what the school year will bring.


Betsy said...

I can't believe she is going to school. I know I will cry when Ella goes to kindergarten.

Unknown said...

What a BIG day!

Susi Daw said...

How exciting for her! I always had more jitters than my kids on the first day of school.

Jessica said...

Last year on Eden's first day of kindergarten I watched her walk into the school and I burst into the full on UGLY cry...chin quivering sobs. I couldn't even stop when I got home. It was ridiculous. But first day of first grade this year was fine. Thank goodness! I guess in some ways it was good that you had screaming kids at home so you couldn't indulge in a long cry.