Sunday, October 11, 2009

"Get that Owl Out of her room!"

Merva (aka Madeline - if you want to know why Madeline goes by Merva occasionally ask her aunt Jen) was outside swinging with grandma. Grandma told her that her aunt Nancy really missed her. "Do you remember Nancy?" Merva replied 'yes' and told us the following story (I've paraphrased the parts I could understand).
Merva was in her room taking a nap with Nancy. Then suddenly "whoo -whoo" a pink owl flew into her room. She looked up and saw the pink owl. The pink owl did drawed himself on himself with crayons all over him. Then he got all of the crayons to color all over the owl. Merva didn't like the owl being in her room. Grandma then asked her if she remembered Janet, Janet missed her too. Merva said "Oh yes, Janet came into my room and said 'get that owl out of her room' and the owl flew out the window". The story came complete with demonstrations of how the owl flew into her room, how it colored on itself and how loudly Janet ordered that owl out. I really wish I could've understood the whole story - who knows what else a pink owl could do in a 2 year old's room!


Betsy said...

I love that she refers to herself as Merva in the story. She is seriously the funniest little girl I know.

Nancy said...

Oh my goodness!!! She is so funny... no wonder I miss her so much:)

Twinlinebackers said...

That's cute. Too bad you don't have it on tape. => You need to read this post -

It's from a mom about our age in my mom's ward. It will provide a little perspective next time Calvin causes a blog worthy fiasco.

Trina said...

Your kids are such characters. That's what makes them so much fun right. I think I should start calling her Merva too!

Jessica said...

Sounds like you've got a potential screenwriter in your family.