Monday, March 15, 2010


The kids have been reading the book Frederick. It's about a mouse. On the inside of the back cover are instructions on how to make your own mouse. Anna Elise decided they needed to all make Fredericks. She gathered the supplies and the kids made these on their own. We got a chuckle over them!

The first is Anna Elise's. It actually looks a lot like Frederick. She did a good job. Mike deemed it worthy of the name Frederick.

This one is Calvin's. His was looking pretty good but he just couldn't stop adding things, this Frederick has a hat, mustache, beard, cheeks, and I'm not sure what else. Mike named this one Frederico!

Here's Madeline's. So typical, she was excited to start it but wasn't interested in the details of it. She was thrilled with this Frederick with no arms, legs, ears or tail, since she didn't want to worry about putting those things on. Mike named hers just Fred.


Jessica said...

Isn't fun to see what their little brains come up with and how each child does their own thing? I love watching that with my own kids.

Trina said...

Very fun! I love how different they are. Tucker made Frederick in library while he was in kindergarten. I think I still have it.