Sunday, April 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Dear Calvin

Calvin turns 5 tomorrow. Since Mondays are a crazy day for us, we celebrated it on Saturday.
He picked donuts for breakfast and then opened presents right after. He got a Lego set that has specialized pieces to build all kinds of construction vehicles - dump trucks, loaders, dozers, ect. He got the game Twister - which should be interesting, and a gun from grandma. He loves his gun and he loves terrorizing everyone with it. It's perfect for him, it 'shoots' a plastic cap off the end with a popping noise. The plastic cap is attached with a string so it doesn't go far. As you push the barrel forward it reloads the cap and when you pull it back the cap pops off again. Calvin can shoot it and reload so fast that it sounds like an automatic. The sound gets to be extremely annoying after about 2 minutes - but Calvin loves it! Ah, little boys!
Mike took Anna Elise and Calvin to Lowe's kids workshop and they built bird houses. They loved it - Calvin wore his apron all day.
After lunch we had Cars birthday cake and ice cream. The black icing on the cake gave everyone
black faces, purple tongues, and stained fingers.
He had a great day!

Calvin unwrapping presents

Calvin blowing out his candles

Calvn's black tongue

Lilah enjoying her cake

Calvin terrorizing everyone with his gun


Janet said...

Fun. I cant believe how old your kids are getting. 5 weeks!

Jana said...

Happy Birthday Calvin!! Parker cannot wait to see you!

Melissa said...

That is seriously amazing how fast Calvin "reloads" his gun!

Jessica said...

So far we've only had one toy gun at our house and its broken. Yay! The sound was very annoying. Happy birthday to Calvin!

Anonymous said...

cute! Russell males just love their guns!

Lindsay said...

I'm so sorry about your week. I'm so glad you and the kids were safe. We'll be thinking of you.

Happy birthday Calvin! I'm already sad for September to come- I really don't want my five year old to go off to school! It is flying by.