Thursday, May 13, 2010

It gets worse before it gets better, but it's all OK in the end!

Most of my family knows this story, but I decided I wanted to share it here anyway. About 14 weeks ago I got pregnant - with twins! At about 10 weeks I went in for an early ultrasound and found that one baby hadn't developed and that the second baby had a heart beat, but was measuring only 6 weeks. There were three possibilities, either the baby wasn't growing and developing and wouldn't make it, my dates were off by a whole month, or maybe it wasn't twins and I had two pregnancies - 4 weeks apart. 2 weeks later I had another ultrasound and found that the second baby had not grown and now had no heart beat. We decided to wait and see if I could miscarry on my own - I wanted to avoid a D&C. 2 weeks went by and I thought I had miscarried on my own, everything seemed fine. On Tuesday morning (two days ago) I woke up and started hemorrhaging. It was terrifying. We loaded everyone up in the car and Mike just
dropped me off at the ER. About an hour later they had me prepped for an emergency D&C. It went well and stopped the bleeding, but not before I'd lost about 1/3 of my blood supply. The doctor decided that although I probably should have a transfusion, I would be ok without one.
They sent me home with 5 prescriptions and strict instructions to not do ANYTHING for a week. On Wednesday I felt worse and I had no problem laying in bed all day while Mike took care of everything. Today I am feeling much better and although I know I need to stay in bed, I know I will not be able to not do anything for a week. Yes, I'll try to stay down until Monday, but I'm already bored and already worried about everything that needs to be done! My ward is taking great care of me! We had someone take our kids on Tuesday so Mike could spend some time with me at the hospital and some time working. We have meals for a few days and help with the kids today and tomorrow and I've had several offers from other friends as well. We'll be ok - if I don't go crazy from staying in bed! I'm very grateful to live in the time and place that I do, so I could get the medical help that I needed. I'm very grateful for all the help and support I've received from family and friends. I feel very loved. I'm grateful for a very loving and supportive husband who takes good care of my family.
All the other things we have been struggling with will also, eventually, be ok. Sometimes it takes a while.
Although Mike offered to take a picture of me - lying in bed, my face still a little puffy from all the IV's and fluid they pumped into me, still white and pale, but I declined. So no pictures with this post=)


Carolyn said...

Sally I am so sorry for you loss. I will be keeping you in our prayers. I nkow it is hard to rely on others to step in but that is the best thing your could do for now. Take care!

Ashley said...

We are so sorry for your loss. Hope you heal well. It's amazing how we have a built-in network of helpers who just jump right in. You are in our prayers.

Shorter family said...

Sally Ally, I am so sorry! I had a miscarriage between my kids, so I know how heartbreaking it can be. I hope you get feeling better soon and get some much needed rest. You've had your rain, so your rainbows on its way!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. I am so sorry Sally. I am sorry you lost your babies and that it happened so traumatically. I'm glad you're ok.

Sunshine said...

Oh wow, you're really experiencing a full spectrum. I am sorry. I am glad that you're finding some little rays of light. I am glad that you have a good, supportive husband.

Susi Daw said...

Sally, I am so sorry! I hope you have a speedy recovery. Sounds like you have a wonderful ward family to help in your time in need. Our prayers are with you!

Unknown said...

We too are sorry for your loss and so happy to hear that you are o.k. Hang in there-- girls weekend is two weeks away!

Heidi said...

Oh my word! That is scary...and sad. I'm sorry for your miscarriage. I'm glad you got the help you needed and you are recovering okay. Good thing for good ward families when your own family is far away. I'm sure that's been a big blessing for you guys. Hang in there!

The Grames Clan said...

Sally! I wish I lived closer and I could help out--I'd be over in a heartbeat. I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. You're in my prayers. And follow those doctor orders! It's hard but believe me, it's better to be down now and let yourself heal. We love you!

Jessica said...

Oh my gosh!! I'm so glad you shared this so that more of us can be praying for you and your family.

I'm sorry that you lost the babies. I am grateful your ward is being so helpful at a time when you need the physical help and the emotional support.

marcalicious said...

Sally! I am so sorry and I am glad that you are safe & recovering -- maybe mike will paint a new "landscape" each day for you to gaze @ while you are laying down in bed...

I'll be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Sally! I am so sorry! You are in our prayers.

Jenny said...

Man that really stinks! Why does life have to be hard sometimes? I hope everything from here on out goes better for you guys! We are praying also.