Thursday, May 27, 2010

Better Late Then Never

This post was suppose to go up on Sunday...but hey I have some good excuses!

We put our garden in this past weekend. In our part of the country gardens go in
in March and April, we are very late. I had given up hope of having one. On Friday after work Mike came home with a rotatiller and dug up a little patch of our yard in one corner. We took it back and bought as many sprouts and plants as we could, but still ended up with lots of seeds. We planted them all on Saturday morning and yesterday already noticed some shoots coming up. The kids are so excited! This garden is at least double last year's in size, but still not big enough for everything we want. We'll see what grows - we planted some of everything I think!

Also, a quick update on our crazy life - I am feeling better, not great, but much better. I'm back into the swing of things, as long as I take time for a rest in the afternoons, I can plug along. I am trying to catch up on everything that didn't get done during almost 3 months of morning sickness and a week of bedrest. It's almost a joke - but hey, we got our garden in - only 3 million more things to do! We did get Calvin registered for Kindergarten (hurray) and Lilah is now attending nursery (she has been for a month now) and she is doing great! This week I have been getting ready for my long awaited girls weekend. A long weekend in CA with all 5 of my sisters, my sister-in-law, and my mom - I can't wait!


Betsy said...

I am impressed you have a garden with how busy you guys are and all thats happened. You amaze me, I am serious. Excited to see you tomorrow, hopefully we still sit by each other.

Melissa said...

I am glad you are feeling better. Your garden looks great - it is such a great feeling to grow your own produce.

Jessica said...

I'm glad to hear you are doing a bit better and I am really happy to hear that you get to have a weekend with the sounds like just the thing to boost you right now.

We held out on planting our garden because of the weather. When we got to the end of may we thought we were safe. Two days after we planted it all(just this week) it SNOWED!