Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Music Truck

In our neighborhood we have a 'music' truck that comes out in the springtime. He drives around the neighborhood in his van and plays music for kids to enjoy. We've listened to the 'music' truck for years and the kids have never questioned why. Anna Elise went to kindergarten this past year and made an interesting discovery. Anna Elise:"Mom, did you know that the music truck sells ice cream?" Mom:"It does? How do you know that?" Anna Elise: "It has pictures of ice cream cones on it and someone at school told me" Mom:"It's a secret so lets not talk about it." She hasn't told the other kids and it's been almost a month. I really thought that when my kids found out that the "music" truck sold ice cream they'd be angry at me, but not Anna Elise, she was more fascinated. I have a feeling Calvin will be angry. Whenever they hear the 'music' truck they all come running. They gather at the front window to watch the truck drive slowly up and down our street. Yesterday Calvin came running down the stairs when he heard the music. He was so distressed when he realized he'd missed the truck. "Dad, I need to go outside to see the music truck". Mike:"Calvin it's already gone, why do you need to see it?" Calvin:"I want to buy a CD!" Mike:"What CD do you want?" Calvin:"I don't know, but I want to buy one!". Today we learned that he wants a CD of the "music" truck's music sound track. Do you know how annoying that music is? Will he be more upset to find out that the truck doesn't sell music CD's or that the truck has had ice cream this whole time and we've never told him?


Jessica said...

HILARIOUS!! I LOVE that you told them it was a music truck. I never thought of that little trick. It will be funny to see what each of their reactions will be as they figure it out.

Heidi said...

Ha ha ha! Just wait until they can read, right?! That is so funny...the music truck. They wouldn't want the CD of our "music van" b/c they play Christmas music! Crazy. We've bought ice cream from it, but it's shady I tell you and it comes during nap time and wakes up my kids! The nerve.

Anonymous said...

Your kids are sooo cute! What a funny post!

BrittanyLane said...

Haha! That's awesome. I wish my kids didn't know that the ice cream truck sells ice cream. We only have one for a couple months in the summer, but it drives down the street every couple of days, and has nothing for under five bucks. Such a crazy rip off.

Trina said...

That is pretty funny that they are so fascinated with the music truck. Just think how much more amazing it would seem if they kenw what it really was. I wonder how long Annaelise will be able to keep it a secret. I look forward to hearing what Calvin's reaction will be when he learns what the music truck really is. My kids learned early from neighbors and friends but I just tell them to go inside and get a popsicle. Thanks for sharing I needed a good laugh. I love the picture of them all by the window.

Jana said...

I LOVE it! Thankfully we don't have one around here...

Melissa said...

Thanks for sharing Sally - I haven't laughed that hard in days! I needed a good laugh. You have such a clever way of weaving a great story. Your kids are hilarious!

Jason and Kristi Ann said...

That is so funny! It took me back to my days in Chile where I first experienced "music" trucks. We get them in our neighborhood now. My kids always want to buy one but when I tell them how much money it costs for one and that we can get 12 of the same thing at the store for the same price (almost), they just ask if they can go to the store and buy some. I tell them they will have to wait until the next time we go. I write it on the list and then, somehow, we always seem to forget to get them...until the next time he comes around. sometimes we indulge, though. He hasn't been by yet this year as we haven't seen sun with temps above 75 degrees yet!!! Maybe that isn't all bad.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully we don't have a music truck in our neighborhood. There is one that comes to a park we enjoy and I'm always so thankful when it arrives. The playground clears out and we get a good half hour of an uncrowded park!