Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Daddy's On TV!

NHance, Mike's franchise, has produced a TV commercial.  For each franchisee, they added their own part to the end of the commercial.  Mike got his copy in the mail today.  He played it for the kids and they were VERY impressed!  It's not actually playing anywhere right now.  It most likely won't make it on TV (don't tell the kids).  Mike plans to get it up on our website and business blog.  I'm going to post it here for your enjoyment =)!
(Disclaimer:  Not the most flattering depiction of Mike, he is much better looking in person!)


Trina said...

How exciting!

Betsy said...

That would be awesome if it did make it on TV though. I love Madeline's hair, it looks really cute in her pigtails.

Jana said...

Mike did GREAT! I would be terrifed to do something like that!