Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Summer Already?

No, not really, but when our weather warms up to anything above 50 the kids ask constantly for 2 things: to eat dinner outside and to do something 'watery'.  They ask every day, many times a day.  We have occasional days in the 50's as early as February, so you can imagine how tired I get of hearing these questions!  On Friday it hit 80 (no that isn't usual nor did it stay for longer then a day).  My rule is the same as the one I remember growing up, no swimming until it's 80 degrees!  Random side note, I remember when I was young we wanted to go swimming so bad and it wasn't warm enough.  We found the end of my Dad's electronic temperature gage and 'warmed it up' ourselves.  We still didn't get to go swimming even though it said 80!
Anyway, since it was 80, the kids got their swim suits on and the hose out and after lots of screaming and crying decided that maybe the river water coming out of the hose was a bit chilly even if it was warm outside.  Another load of laundry for 10 minutes of 'fun'! 
Today was really nice weather, in the 60's, perfect to be outside.  While I napped Mike took the kids to the store to buy all the fixin's for an outside dinner.  It was really nice.  The kids enjoyed their popsicles after dinner while we had FHE (a day late) outside.  What a lovely evening!  


Sunshine said...

oh fun. I remember seeing pictures of you and your siblings being young and my memory is terrible but something about your kids reminds me of you and Trina and company being little. I can certainly imagine you guys heating the pool thermometer.

Jana said...

I love it! We were so sick of not being able to go outside that we hand a picnic on our dining room floor! You're lucky!

Betsy said...

Wow, I can't believe you guys hit 80. A bit jealous.
I remember that rule too from when we were younger, I remember getting the hair dryer to warm the air outside up. Didn't work too well.

Sally said...

That is hilarious! That must've been after my time, that is so funny! It's fun to have a warm day here and there before the humidity hits and makes it miserable!

Lindsay said...

Those are yummy days! Love the pic!