Sunday, August 28, 2011


The second week of our trip 'home' was spent in Kennewick with the Russells.  We had a great time there as well!

The kids had a great time playing with more cousins!  They went swimming, played at several parks, watched movies, played dress up, went for jeep rides, ate ice cream, and spent a lot of time playing outside.

Celeste was so good for the trip.  She adjusted to the time change quicker then anyone else, slept better then usual, had lots of people who wanted to hold her, and was usually pretty happy.  She seems to be growing out of her evening fussiness and I'm not sad to see the colic stage go!

I was able to go to 'The Help' with my mother- and sister-in-laws.  We all loved it!  I did a lot of talking and eating!  Mike and I were able to get an afternoon almost to ourselves - we ran errands and went to lunch with Celeste.  We also had Russell family pictures which I am so excited to see!  I'll share them as soon as I get them!

Nobody was very excited to leave, especially Anna Elise, she wanted just one more week at each Grandma's house.  It was sad to see her reluctance to leave her family.  I feel grateful to have married into such a great family.  We had some special moments with Mike's family and every time we visit I feel closer to them.

Our 3 flights and 4 airports home were fairly uneventful.  The 5:30am flight was painful to get up for.  On our second flight we heard about the earthquake near Richmond and although the headlines said there was no damage, I was a bit anxious to get home and make sure we didn't have any cracks in the walls or pictures on the floor.  We were again so glad that our flights were over, but coming back here is never quite as exciting as getting there!  Someday we will be closer!

More details and pictures below:

 Calvin getting his toe super glued by Pops.  He cut his toe pretty good and then later sliced his other foot - typical Calvin!

Calvin on the swing zip line

 Mike watching the kids at a wading pool

Pop's holding Celeste

Celeste waiting for the family pictures

Madeline drying off at the pool

 Lilah hangin' in the pool

Cousin Aubrey drying off, waiting to get her 'full' diaper changed after swimming

Taking family pictures


Jessica said...

Holy cow! What a whirlwind of trips! it sounds like you had fun, but it makes me grateful that we live one hour away from my parents and one hour away from Ben's as well. Not very hard to visit.

My kids get to see their grandparents a lot and most of their cousins. Ben has a couple of siblings who live out of state but they don't have kids and they get out to Utah every so often. I have only one sibling not in Utah right now and I miss her and little family so much!

Trina said...

Sounds like you had a great week in Kennewick. I am excited to see your family pictures!

Betsy said...

Glad you guys had fun in Kennewick and that your house is okay in Richmond.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! what cute pics! It was fun to see you guys and yes...we're glad you're all okay