Friday, September 9, 2011

Celeste at 4 Months

Celeste turned 4 months a week ago.  I'm late posting because it has taken me a week to get a video of her laughing!  Celeste is pretty quiet but when she does decide to talk and laugh it's worth waiting for!  She doesn't seem to laugh at the same thing twice, so finding things to make her laugh and having a camera nearby can be tricky!  She is a lot of fun and is growing up to fast.  She can roll from her stomach to her back, she laughs and talks, and she really likes to stand up when you hold her.  Her Dad got her walker out this past weekend and she likes to stand in it and even accidently scoots herself around the living room.  The kids LOVE to watch her roll around. She likes to sit in her bumbo on the table during dinner and watch everyone talk and eat.  We love her!

In her 'stroller roller' as her dad calls it

Madeline and Lilah making her laugh (I'm holding Celeste and the camera so it's not a great video)


Betsy said...

Too cute.

Trina said...

She is beautiful! What a cute video. She has such a cute laugh. They grow up way too fast!

JEN said...

Oh, I miss them!! This is so cute. Thank you for sharing. I really love your blog, Sally. I wish we lived closer.