Friday, September 9, 2011

First Day of School 2011

The much anticipated first day of school finally arrived.  I think I like starting after Labor Day!

Calvin is in first grade this year and has the same teacher that Anna Elise had.  He really likes her and is doing well so far!  He LOVES to tease and is always trying to trick mom or dad.  He came home yesterday and said his name was moved to yellow (not good) because Ms Young had to say his name several times, I opened my mouth to find out exactly what had been going on at school and he quickly pulled out his paper to show me it was really green (he must've seen by the look on my face that it wasn't going to be good).  He laughed and laughed, he certainly tricked mommy.

Anna Elise is in second grade this year.  When we met her teacher at the Open House last week and neither one of us were real impressed.  Is that awful to admit?  I told her to keep an open mind and see how the first week goes.  She actually seems to be doing ok and likes her teacher and is enjoying school.  I am not really thrilled with what Anna Elise has been telling me.  I'm hoping that her teacher gets more organized and that things start going better or I might have to be 'that' mom and get Anna Elise moved to a class room that I think is more suited for us both! We'll see how next week goes - let's hope it gets better!

Yes it was raining, it dumped rain for three days and was kind of miserable!  They are running for the bus!


Betsy said...

That stinks that Anna Elise teacher isn't great, I think elementary school teachers should be amazing.

Trina said...

Cute pictures. I forgot to take pictures. Is it ok to do it sometime during the first month? Don't be afraid to move her if you feel the need to. Having a good teacher is critical. We haven't always had the best teachers and it certainly makes a difference. Good luck! I love that Calvin is a jokester!

Jana said...

I totally understand about not liking teachers. Parkers is mediocre (sp?) at best. During the second week she let them watch the entire Lion King. Seriously?!

The kids look great!!