Monday, September 26, 2011

Wiggle Worm

Celeste is a wiggly little baby.  From the time she was just a couple of weeks old she was moving all over her bed.  She has finally figured out how to roll from back to front - so now that she can roll both directions she can get where she wants.  She uses her knees and feet and squirms her way around the room.  She is also reaching for and grabbing onto everything.  I can't hold her and eat or do something else at the same time because she grabs everything and sticks it in her mouth.  She still takes her pacifier but has her hands and fingers in her mouth as well.  She loves her burp cloths and blankets, she grabs them, yells, and then buries her face in them.   She really likes her walker and is getting better at getting around in it.  She likes to get rides from Calvin too - he pushes her around the dining room table - it's their race track.  He probably takes her a bit faster then she likes, but she doesn't complain.  Here she is scooting around in her walker.

(I couldn't get the video to load, I've been trying all day!  So I loaded it up to YouTube and here is the link)

1 comment:

Emily Marie said...

wow! She is so mobile! Isn't she only like 5 mo old?? Time goes by fast! Anyway, that sounds familiar! So cute!