Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Picky Eater

Celeste at just 5 months old seems to have very particular tastes:

Does not like rice cereal 

Chowing down on the Salt & Vinegar Pringles
(she isn't asleep, her eyes are just closed)

Maybe if I added salt and vinegar instead of milk to her cereal she would eat it...

Disclaimer:  I didn't feed my baby Pringles.  While at the beach she scooted over to the can, rolled it around until the few left at the bottom fell out and then went to town on them.  She was not happy when I took them away! 


Emily Marie said...

Emma is the same way! Also...I am trying to ween her and give her formula and she gags on the taste of it! LOL

Anonymous said...

hey, whatever it takes! ;) kidding of course!

Trina said...

What a funny picture. I can't believe she liked those salt and vinegar chips. They are strong tasting. My kids never liked the rice cereal. I can't believe she is already 5 months old.