Sunday, February 3, 2013

Potty Training!

Our big news this week is potty training!  Celeste likes to sit on the potty and I'm so ready to be done with diapers - so we decided to give it a try.   She is a bit young, just turned 21 months yesterday, but certainly old enough to know what is going on.  She has done ok - not great and not a disaster - just ok.  I took a break today - but we are going to try it for one more week and see if she can 'get' it.   We've spent a lot of time singing songs, reading books, making faces, painting nails, and whatever else we can think of to keep her occupied!

Other news: I shampooed the absolutely nasty seats in our car.  It's amazing what 8 years of kids can do to a car!  I was pleasantly surprised at how much better they look.  I used Oxy Clean (thanks Nancy) in my carpet cleaner - with the upholstery attachment.  They don't look good enough for me to embarrass myself with pictures of them =)

Calvin decided to give Celeste a ride on his skateboard.  She loved it!  Madeline and Lilah made bridges for her to ride under.  It's become a regular activity for the kids while I fix dinner.

I got up the nerve to wear my skinny jeans with my new boots!

Family highlight this week is Mike.  Mike recently got a new calling at church, he is the ward mission leader.  It was a big surprise for us and not exciting news for Mike, but he is doing his best.   He enjoyed his week at convention and came home with lots of ideas and motivation to make his business even better.  This is also the time of year where we start to get really busy, there are homeshows to go to and Mike is taking back all the sales and estimates outside of Richmond - which means he is super busy!  No matter how busy he gets, he tries to be home for dinner and he spends as much time as he can playing with the kids.  Here are some pictures of Mike jumping over all the kids and them walking on his stomach.



Nancy said...

You look awesome Sally!

Sara R said...

you are beautiful Sally! Yeah Celeste! That is amazing! Your kids are so cute too

Betsy said...

Love the skinny jeans.

Trina said...

I am impressed that you attempting to potty train Celeste. I hope she figures it out quickly. I love your skinny jeans and you should wear them a lot. You look amazing! Mike is such a good dad! Good luck on the new calling, that is not an easy one. It takes a lot of time.