Sunday, January 27, 2013


I know it's been cold everywhere this week.   It's probably been a lot colder for everyone else, but I do not like the cold!  We just have a heat pump and not a furnace and although we are ok, our house does feel cold when it gets below freezing.  When it stays below 30 degrees for 4-5 days straight I get to the point where I just want to sit on the couch with a blanket all day!  But, we survived!  The week started off warm enough with a day off school and having fun with Aunt Jenny on Monday.  We walked to the park and played some basketball, on the playground and with some chalk!  Then on Tuesday it got cold and Jenny had to go back to sunny southern CA.
We spent the rest of the week indoors trying to stay warm.  On Saturday it started warming back up and we ventured out to clean the church and then later to run some errands.  The kids got new shoes and mom nearly lost her sanity getting them!

Celeste fell asleep on the couch one afternoon

Anna Elise modeling her new 'shoes' and the cute pot holders she made at activity girls this week.  Techincally her 'boots' are tennis shoes - they will work for gym class so they meet my requirements.  She absolutely LOVES them.  Her dad said it was ok with him if she wanted to look ridiculous...

Celeste modeling mom's new cowboy boots.  They aren't 'real', they were 50% off and they will work with my 'new' skinny jeans that Rachel found for me at the thrift store last week.  Score!

I thought I took a picture of Calvin in his new blue tennis shoes, but apparently I didn't.  So a picture of his newest lego creation with have to work.

Our family spotlight is Calvin.  He goes through shoes every couple of months (ok, maybe it's more like 5-6 months, but it feels like I am always buying him new shoes!).  He just goes and goes.  He can't hold still.  He is either digging in our yard (we just had some stumps removed so it's prime digging) playing basketball against himself, playing with his legos, playing the wii or begging his dad to go throw the football.  He thinks that life should be fair.  I told him if life was fair, his situation would most likely get worse, not better, but it's hard for him to see any kind of injustice.  He enjoys reading and is getting better at it, he does his homework standing up or dancing around the table, he is well liked, very competitive, and is growing like a weed (straight up, but not out).  He eats more then anyone else in the family and thinks his mom is a good cook (don't tell him otherwise).


Janet Mae said...

Cute boots Sally!

Sara R said...

I can't get all your pictures to show up, but I'm sure you look fabulous in your skinny jeans and boots- you have just the right physique to make them look good! It's pretty cold here too! I prefer it to the heat, although my hands are really hurting.

Trina said...

I will be sure to show Talia Anna Elise's shoes. She will probably want some too. Love reading your blog and hearing about what's going in your busy life. Your kids are so cute. You need to take a picture of you in your skinny jeans and boots.

Betsy said...

Glad you made it through without Mike.