Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Rest of Winter Break

The second half of our winter break was great!  On New Years Eve day we went to the Science Museum to watch 'The Polar Express' in IMAX.  We wanted to stay and play at the museum but after a short time Mike confessed he was not feeling well.  We went home so he could take a nap.  We postpone our yummy New Years dinner and had a very subdued evening at home - but we made up for it later!  We were able to go to the Botanical Gardens to see the lights!  The kids loved it! It was beautiful and so fun!  Mike wasn't too happy that we happened to go on SPCA night and we had to deal with all the dogs there, but we still enjoyed it.  The kids also played way too much Wii, played with their toys and games, did some clearance shopping and spent lots of time together.

Here are pictures from the Botanical Gardens.  

A few days prior I came home with a cute new monkey hat for Celeste and she refused to wear it.  When she saw everyone putting on hats to look at the lights she decided that maybe she did like the hat.  She wore it the entire evening.  On her way to bed she caught a glimpse of it on her dresser and insisted on wearing it to bed as well.  

This weeks family member update is on Celeste!  She is growing up so fast it scares me.  She is still a little monster, but a very loved and spoiled one.  What she's been up to lately:  she loves to sit on the potty, she hasn't done anything on the potty yet and I haven't really pushed it; she loves to sing songs - hopefully we'll get a video soon; she won't sit on her booster seat the way she is suppose to, she either sits on the back of it or kneels on it; she is talking like crazy and we only understand about half of what she says; she loves to play outside; her hair is getting thicker and her eye lashes even longer!
Please don't look at the oh so very flattering shot of me in the background =)


Jessica said...

I love the monkey hat!! And wearing it to cute. I loved your hat too Sally!

Trina said...

The lights look amazing! Glad to hear you had a fun winter break. The money hat is so cute and I love that she had to sleep in it.

Jana said...

I am always in awe at how many fun things you do together! Parents of the year for sure!