In other news we've had some actual spring weather - rain and mild temperatures. I love it. So does my garden. My second round of seeds sprouted and are growing like crazy. Unfortunately so is the fat neighborhood bunny that comes and eats my new tender sprouts every morning. So far he has eaten most of my beans, half my watermelons and pumpkins, all but one of my cantaloupe and all my squash. He has partially eaten two of my pepper plants as well. Apparently bunnies don't like tomato plants or corn stalks. Who knew? I wish I didn't. I'm not sure if it's too late to replant but I REALLY wanted to try to grow acorn squash and I REALLY want cantaloupe this year - so I will probably try replanting. On the bright side whatever is eating my strawberries has laid off recently and each of my kids have been able to eat a strawberry from the garden - they think it's pretty neat. I'm hoping the caterpillars leave us a few blueberries this summer as well. We are also making more progress on our chicken coup. The gate is finished, now the kids can get into the coup and bother the chickens much more easily. I actually think the chickens like my kids, even when they are being a bit 'much' - when my kids approach the coup the chickens run to greet them. It's kind of cute.
I don't have very many pictures this week - just these two princesses!
Our family spot light this week is Mike. I'm not sure who's turn it is, but Mike has news to share, so I'm making it his turn. Mike has recently hired a new full time sales person. Mike took the sales over back in February and after several months of trying to do it all himself has found someone new. We are both so excited - to see our business growing and to hopefully free up some of Mike's time. We'll see how it goes, but so far, it's been great! Mike was also able to go to the temple with his fabulous wife (smile). That doesn't happen very often. Mike was also in another accident. He was hit in a parking lot and while he had his rental car he was in a second accident - unfortunately it was his fault and he was, unbeknownst to us, uninsured at the time (apparently the commercial policy on his work vehicles don't cover rentals when they are for accident repair). That is not a good. We have a few other possibilities to explore, so we'll see how it goes.