Sunday, May 5, 2013


Grandma flew into Richmond on Friday night to be here for Calvin's baptism.  She stayed to play for the week.  The weather wasn't real cooperative and Mike was busy at work - but we had fun having her with us.  She did lots of dishes and helped around the house, we went out for ice cream, walked to the park, had a picnic (inside since it was cold out), celebrated Celeste's 2nd birthday, visited with my uncle, and we were able to go to lunch and do some shopping one afternoon. I was excited to go buy some things for me!  It was good to have her here to visit with and we were sad to see her go on Friday afternoon.

After she left life quickly resumed it's normal crazy pace.  Mike's work car was hit in a parking lot on Friday.  We had to take the car to the body shop and pick up a rental.  We also ran errands that afternoon.  On Saturday we had Calvin's friend birthday party, worked on the chicken coop, replanted all the seeds in our garden (not a single one sprouted) weeded and reseeded the front lawn, and ran some errands.

At the park with Grandma - she is playing ball with Calvin.

 Celeste's birthday.  She opened that purple book from Grandma and was completely satisfied.  She didn't need or want to open anything else.  It took a lot of coaxing to get her to continue.

 The next day she used her birthday money from Grammy & Pops to buy a purse and a doll.  Getting her to pick out a couple of things at the store was crazy!

Calvin waiting for his friends to come to his party

Mike took the girls to THD during Calvin's party.  He had to run a small booth for NHance and the girls participated in the festivities.

 Celeste in her new birthday dress from Grandma and me in my new dress from my shopping spree!

Our family highlight this week is Celeste.  I know it's not her turn, but it was her birthday.  She is growing up fast and getting to be more '2' every day.  When I asked her to go put her shoes in her closet she replied with "no, mommy do it".  She has started hitting and yelling and generally being ornery.  She has decided that she loves cheese and asks for either sliced cheese or cottage cheese for every meal and snack.  When she is hungry she tells me she wants lunch, if I say no she tries asking for a snack, breakfast, or dinner - whichever word will get me to feed her!  She likes to take her nap and goes to bed very well.  She regressed with her potty training a little while we had company, but is already back on track and doing fabulous. 


Trina said...

I'm so glad you had lots of fun with mom!! Happy Birthday Calvin and Celeste!! Very fun pictures and very cute kids!!

Heidi said...

Cute dress on you! Adorable!

That's fun your Mom was able to come out and spend time with you guys and be there for those big events! I love the picture of Celeste biting into her cupcake, love her little chub on her arms. So cute.

Sara R said...

I love your outfit! you are gorgeous

Jana said...

Your mom is pretty darn awesome!! what a fun week!

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday Celeste! I remember seeing Celeste's dress at mom's and loving it. Your outfit is really cute. Glad you guys had fun with mom.