Sunday, April 28, 2013

Grammy & Pops!

On Sunday evening Grammy and Pops flew into Richmond!  We were so excited to see them.  We had a fabulous week of fun with trips to get ice cream, going to the park, fun at home, some work and some shopping.  On Friday we celebrated Calvin's 8th birthday.  We all went to Busch Gardens, Pizza Hut for dinner, and then ended the day with presents and ice cream cake. It was an exhausting day. That night Grandma flew in.  Saturday was a busy day getting ready for Calvin's baptism.  It was a special day and it was a good program with Grandma giving a prayer, Grammy and Anna Elise speaking, Pops witnessing, and Mike performing the ordinance.  We were so thankful that Calvin made the decision to be baptized and for all the support of our family and friends on that day.  Grammy and Pops had to leave early Sunday morning.  It was sad to see them go.  

 Pops 'helped' Mike start a chicken coop.  'They' made a lot of progress.  Unfortunately Mike was busier working then he wanted to be - so his Dad did a lot of the work with his helpers - Grammy and Lilah.

 We went to Happy Hour at Steak & Shake and got half-price shakes.  We had a great time.  Thanks Grammy & Pops!  Below you can see Lilah doing her 'trick'.  She said to me "Look Mom, I can drink my shake with no hands!"

 At Busch Gardens!
 There was hardly anybody at the park.  It was perfect weather and no lines.  The kids literally sat and rode rides over and over again.  It was a lot of fun!

 Calvin opening presents and blowing out his candles. 

 Calvin's Baptism

Our family highlight this week is Calvin.  He is growing like a weed and has the appetite of a full grown man (a large one at that).  He is always hungry.  Calvin still loves Legos but picked out some Bay Blades with his birthday money and has been enjoying those as well.  He is getting ready for a re-match with his cousin Tucker ;).  Calvin is compassionate and helpful.  He is happy and fun when he gets enough sleep.  I recommend that he always get enough sleep!


Trina said...

Tucker wants to know which Beyblades Calvin bought. Sounds like a very fun week and congratulations to Calvin on being baptized! He is growing up fast!! Love your family picture and the picture from the baptism!!

Jana said...

Having visitors is so much fun! Parker is envious of Calvin's Wii game! Way to go Calvin, wish we could have been there!!