Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fun with Uncle Sean and Aunt Rachel

No pictures today - sorry. Just an update.

We went blueberry picking last Friday. We took Sean and Rachel with us. We all picked blueberries for almost two hours! Anna Elise did a great job picking into her bucket. Calvin picked to eat when we made him, but he spent most of his time stealing already picked blueberries out of everyone's buckets. Everyone told him no except Aunt Rachel. Madeline didn't mind picking her own to eat and if she couldn't find any to pick, she ate from the ground - dirt and all. Mike and I were able to get almost 15 pounds of blueberries! We froze most of them, but had fund making blueberry cobbler and blueberry muffins!

Then just this past week Rachel invited to kids to come over and play and it turned into a half
day adventure. On Thursday Sean and Rachel came and got our car and kids at around 2:30,
just after nap time! I was at work, but Mike had the kids ready with swimming suits and
sunscreen on and towels and lifejackets packed. Mike got a couple of hours to himself to
get caught up on work. At 4:30 he came and got me from my Dr appointment and we went
to the new batman movie - it was a great break from the kids!
The kids had a great time at the river. They played and swam and Anna Elise even caught
a fish. She reached down to pick up a shell. When she opened her hand to show everyone, she
had a small fish instead! I'm not sure exactly what else they did, but the kids tell me that Rachel can walk on the water.... They went home and had blueberry pancakes for dinner and watched a
movie and they can't wait to go do it again!


Lindsay said...

Yum! Are they living there then? Or just visiting? So great to have family around!

Sally said...

Sean has always lived here, he just recently got married (6/24) and Rachel moved to Richmond from Provo the first week of July.

Jana said...

how fun! A break is ALWAYS such a treat!