Saturday, June 13, 2009

Growing Pains

Lilah has had a tough week! She has learned to crawl, cut teeth, and taken a big
spill. She has been scooting backwards on her bottom using her feet, scooting backwards
on her tummy using her arms, and trying to use her hands and feet! She finally got the crawling thing down this week. Actually in the two days since I filmed this she has gotten twice as fast.
Crawling on hardwood floors can be tough on a little body - she falls on her face a lot! She has
also been teething for a couple of weeks and her first tooth has finally cut through. That was not a pleasant experience for my normally happy baby. Nobody is looking forward to the next one.
She also took a big spill and has quite the scab on her nose, which makes wiping and suctioning
her nose hard on both us. Hopefully next week doesn't hurt so much.

video of Lilah crawling


Jessica said...

"Hardwood floors and footie pajamas" the easiest way to make crawling more difficult. With my baby I almost didn't want him to learn to crawl because that meant he would be getting into everything.

Jana said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow?!