Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lessons Learned

We've learned a few lessons around here. Lilah is learning to pull herself up to furniture. She is now standing up waiting for me when she wakes up in her crib. She can pull herself up on the
couch upstairs but not downstairs yet. She is learning that when she tries to pull herself up
on the piano and chair legs, she falls and gets goose eggs on her forehead. Lilah also loves to climb the stairs. She sneaks up them quite often. She has learned that the consequence is either mom or dad quickly coming to get her with concerned looks on their's fortunate she doesn't know the real consequence and hopefully we can get a lock on our sliding door to keep it that way! She has also learned that teeth can be painful. We are hoping now that the second one has come in she can get back to her normal happy self for a little while.

Calvin learned a hard lesson yesterday. While out doing some clearance shopping for next year
Calvin learned that when Mom says "if you are not good you won't get a treat" that she means it. He cried all the way home when he realized that the girls got ice cream from McDonalds and he didn't.

I am hoping to learn what I can do to help my kids be good while we shop. When we go grocery shopping most of them are strapped into the cart and they are good. It's when we go to Kohls and Old Navy that we get into trouble. I can get 1 or 2 of them into a stroller or cart, but that leaves Calvin and occasionally Madeline free. Is there something I can bring or do that can help them occupy their hands and time? They get bored and then the trouble starts. Any suggestions? I realize leaving them home is the best option, but not always available. Any other suggestions?

On another note, I got some really good deals yesterday. I did get things for the kids, but I found a few things for me as well. Like a cute pair of pants on clearance. I thought they were $8 so I grabbed them. I rarely find pants my size on clearance. Even better was the fact that they rang up at $4! They are so cute, I'm wore them to work today. I also got a new necklace. I'm getting bolder with my jewelry - it's orange! I just had to post a picture to prove I was actually wearing it! Those are my new pants too!


Betsy said...

So cute, I wish I was more bold to wear jewelry but I really don't wear any but my ring. I love the pants, please $4.

Jessica said...

My kids usually stay close by if I've got a snack in a little ziploc baggie that they can carry. But other times they are little maniacs and I've wondered why in the world I thought I could bring them with me. I wish more stores had little play areas for the kids while mom shopped.

BrittanyLane said...

Look how cute and skinny you are! Love the necklace. I really should include a little more orange in my wardrobe. Such a fun color.

marcalicious said...

oh Sally! how sassy & cute you look in your outfit!!! Keep on being bold -- it's working!!!!

Twinlinebackers said...

You look great. I love the outfit. We need more pictures of you on this blog because I can't quite reconcile you from this picture with the Sally I knew 11 years ago! Maybe it would help if you came to visit me...