Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Psoriatic Arthritis

As I look back I think I've had mild psoriasis off and on for years.  The most recent round started last fall and instead of clearing up on it's own, it got worse.  Last month I finally went to the doctor to have the psoriasis diagnosed and get a perscription.  Today I went to the arthritis specialist and was diagnosed with the arthritis that sometimes accompanies psoriasis - Psoriatic Arthritis.  I'm lucky, in that right now it's only affecting one finger on my left hand.  The pain is manageable but unfortantly the inflamation can cause permanent damage and can easily spread to other joints and cause other problems.  So I'm going on several medications to see if we can manage the nflamation.  It's not a bad thing that the pain, stiffness, tenderness, and swelling will also get better :).  I'm hoping the pills we try work and don't cause too many side effects so that we don't have to try the shots.  I'm also glad that I was refered to a good Dr. that I like, since I'll be seeing a lot of him.  This kind of arthritis can come and go and I'm hoping it goes and that it goes sooner rather then later. 
Can you tell which finger it is?  It actually looks good today - it sometime gets so swollen I can't bend it.  It also happens to be a good rain predictor - seriously, it gets much worse when it rains.  I always thought that was an old wives tale!


Betsy said...

Not fun, mom said that you had been having arthritis problems. At least its good for something, you always know when its going to rain.

Jessica said...

so sorry! I am glad you have found a good doctor. I'm thinking of making myself a shirt that says 32 is the new 80...I have arthritis in both hips, carpal tunnel in both hands, some thing painful going on in my leg and foot that we aren't sure about yet. Lame.

Trina said...

I am glad you liked your doctor and I hope the medication works.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry!

Heninger family said...

Oh, no! Hope the meds help... take care!!

marcalicious said...

oh sally dang it all!!! :( I hope the meds and dr. help resolve this situation. you poor thing. good luck!