Sunday, November 4, 2012

Big Girl!

Guess who had their first official day in nursery?  Our big girl!  She has been for 20-30 minutes for the past couple of weeks with mom or dad.  Today she was 18 months old and went for the entire 2 hours by herself.  She did really good.  I just can't believe she is old enough to go - she is growing up too fast!
She is finally starting to get more hair.  Her hair is growing in thicker then her sisters, but is shorter.  They all had their mullets trimmed by this age, but her hair isn't getting any longer, just thicker.  She is finally starting to talk.  She has been really taking her time.  She has maybe a dozen words, but just in the last few days has started repeating a lot of what we say, so that is fun.  She even said 'cheese' for her picture this afternoon.  She still likes to climb, she likes to be held, she is becoming more interested in books,  loves to be outside, still loves to wear her shoes,  still has her beloved pacifier (but only gets it in bed and when Mom is having a hard time), carries her baby everywhere, likes to say 'no' and shake her head, loves to point at everyone's eyes, nose, ears, belly, etc. on demand and when she feels like it she kneels down and folds her arms for prayers.  She is becoming a more picky eater which is frustrating for me.  Celeste is spoiled rotten.  We are working on being more firm and more consistent with her - we need to tame the monster we've created!  We love her to death!


Trina said...

So cute! I am glad she liked Nursery.

Betsy said...

I love that she gets her pacifier when mom is having a hard time. ;)