Saturday, November 17, 2012

Visitors (Again)!

Nick & Janet came for another visit.  They are moving to Florida next week so it was our last chance to see them.  They came last night (a couple of hours early and surprised us before the kids went to bed).  We had a relaxed morning playing and talking.  After lunch we loaded up into the two cars and went for a quick tour around downtown Richmond and ended at the canal walk.  We walked along the canals, looked at the old locks, saw some art work,  the flood walls and even walked on the pipe bridge so we could stand on the James River bank for a few minutes (we didn't stay long, we did not want wet kids!).  We then drove to Richmond Battle Field park.  It was a great place for the kids to run and play in all the ditches and burms from the fort that used to be there.  They played hide n seek with Mike and Uncle Nick.
That night, after the kids went to the bed we got out the kids Christmas present, hooked it up, and had some fun!  I packed it all up again.  I should probably wrap it so I'm not tempted to get it out again.  I'm going to enjoy it just as much as they do =).
Thanks for driving all the way up to see us Nick & Janet!  We loved having you.  Good luck in Florida.

 Here we all are in front of the 'Richmond' painting at the Canal Walk.

Another 'interesting' painting at the canal walk


Lindsay said...

Loved all the pics. Your kids are sooo cute. I also loved the Jeremiah quote...had similar feelings and this scripture would've helped! Where in Florida are Nick and Janet moving to?

Sally said...

They will be in Jacksonville, but only for 3 months.