Sunday, December 30, 2012

Nick & Janet Wedding Pictures (Finally)

I went to my sister, Janet's, wedding back in October.  I didn't take a single picture.  I had to wait for everyone else's pictures and then when I finally got the pictures, I completely forgot to post them!  So even though most of you have probably seen these on my sisters' blogs and on facebook - here they are again!
It was a beautiful wedding, the bride look lovely, the photographer was great.  It was sad to not have my little family there, but kind of nice to really participate in everything and not have to worry about what my kids were doing, where they were, if they were keeping their clothes clean, if they were in trouble, who was hungry, tired, or making messes, etc.   It was also so nice to see so many extended family members.

 Nick and Janet

 The whole Allen family except my husband and children and one other brother-in-law

 A sister shot -  Back Row:  Stephanie, me, Janet, Nancy, Jana (sister-in-law). Front Row: Trina and Betsy

I love this picture of you guys, Janet!

With my 'big' sister - Trina (even with your extra high heels, I'm still taller =) )


Sara R said...

yeah! beautiful! Congratulations!

Heninger family said...

Love the pictures! Such beautiful sisters:)

Betsy said...

Thank you for sharing the black and white one of the girls. My hair color looked horrendous in the colored one.