Sunday, March 10, 2013

Isn't It Spring Yet?

Here in Virginia (and in my head) March is spring.  So a rain storm that floods my utility room and then turns into a huge snow storm and cancels school is not ok in March!  We had a very cold week, with cold windy weather and a snow day on Wednesday and a delay on Thursday.  I'm so ready for winter to be over.  Today we finally had some warm weather - it was almost 70!  I'm hoping spring is here, but we'll see, you never know about the crazy weather in Virginia!

In other news we have started working on our 'garden' (it's just a muddy/weedy patch of dirt) and we've been working on our food storage (the cannery here in Richmond is going to change in April and I'm anxious to get as much done as I can before then), drove mom crazy on the snow day because the ground was too wet to go play outside, and got blizzards at DQ (buy one get one for .99).

Our family spotlight this week is Madeline.  Madeline is still loving school, she LOVES sharing a room with Anna Elise and she has started playing the wii a little more (she wasn't a big fan when we first got it and we don't play it more then 1 or 2 times a week).  She is starting to read and despite a very slow start in kindergarten is doing very well and wants to read books by herself - and she probably could with just a little bit of work.  She is still uniquely Madeline - today she kept saying Massachusetts.  Finally Anna Elise looked at her and asked "why do you keep saying Massachusetts?"   Madeline replied, very simply "I like to say it, it's fun".

Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures this week.  I'll try to do better.

1 comment:

Michael and Stephanie said...

Sorry you had such icky weather that is really no fun. We actually had three sunny days in a row this last week which is basically unheard of. Also, I love your unique Madeline. I would love to have one like her.