Sunday, April 6, 2008

I think I'm well over due for a post! It's been a crazy week for us. Although I have been feeling
'better' as in better then before, I'm certainly not myself. This saliva thing is driving me nuts, I feel sick and gag becauseof the amount of salvia I am swallowing and that is in my mouth! However, I am cooking more and my house is cleaner, but not clean!

On Friday I went for my bi-weekly walk, got the kids ready and the house cleaned up and headed out. First we had to go pick up our packets for the 10k. I made Mike walk it with me to support a cancer survivor in our branch. Picking up our packets was crazy! There were hundreds of people picking up packets, with traffic cops and everything. Luckily it was stroller friendy. We got our timing chips, bibs, shirts, bags, walked through the expo and made it back to the car without losing anyone or anything! Then we picked up lunch and went to the home show where Mike was manning our business' both. He joined us for lunch and then the kids and I wandered through the home show and looked at the booths and displays while he went back
to work. We finally headed out to Walmart for our weekly shopping trip. It was just too much for me and the kids we went home and crashed until it was time to make dinner!

On Saturday Mike and I walked the 10k. Mike really didn't like it and I didn't make my goal - but it was set prepregnancy and I'll have to try it again next year. Today we are paying for it with sore muscles. Poor Mike had to go stand at his home show booth for six hours before priesthood and unforutnatley he is there again today. His feet are not doing so good.

We don't have cable or anything to get conference. However, we can watch it on the internet and we do have a projector - so this time Mike bought the cable we needed to hook the laptop to the projector and we watched conference on the wall like a 'big movie' as the kids say. Madeline was fascinated by the movie - for a few minutes.

I seem to be taking a lot of pictures of Madeline lately...her favorite place to be is on the dishwasher door 'helping' mom with the dishes.

I have more Madeline pictures, but it's bedtime so they will have to wait!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Michael's comment when I showed him the picture of Madeline on the dishwasher was that we would never let our children do that. My response was, yeah right. I remember doing it myself when I was 5 or 6 so I could get into the cupboard. We'll just wait and see in a few more years if he has the same response.