Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy 4 Weeks Lilah!

Lilah is 4 weeks old today. I can't believe she is that old already. She is such a good baby!
Lilah is really strong - she always has been. She has been able to hold her head up and look around since she was only a few days old. Below isn't the best picture of her, but you can see she is holding her head up. She has a strong suck as well and has always been able to keep her pacifier in her mouth.
Lilah is an amazing sleeper. Last night Lilah went 7 hours between feeds, she ate at 10 pm and then 5 am - I just need one more hour and I won't be going back to bed! She has slept really well ever since my mom went home, so from the time she was about 9 days old - she must've known I wouldn't be able to take an afternoon nap after my mom left and she felt sorry for me!
Lilah does like to be entertained when she is awake. She likes to be held, but she is also good if she is in her seat or on her blanket and she has a toy to look at or someone to talk to her. I send Anna Elise over to talk to her and she quiets right down. She is quickly adjusting to her siblings and their loud voices, pokes, hugs, holding, ect. Madeline loves to burp her but doesn't always pat her on her back, she'll pat her anywhere she can reach. Anna Elise just wants to carry her and so we are working on that - she can carry her if mom is there to put Lilah in her arms and
take her out after she carries her a few feet. The kids all love her.

Lilah isn't perfect. She isn't the best eater and at times won't burp, but I can deal with that!

This last picture is my favorite, I think it looks the most like her. Babies can be really hard to photograph and I don't know if these picture do her justice. She is so cute! I think she may look more like me then the other three. A lady at church told me she looked just like me - I don't think I've ever heard that about any of my newborns - even if it isn't true, it felt good!


BrittanyLane said...

She is so cute! She is holding up her head really well. I'm so glad for you that your babies are good sleepers. That is AWESOME!

Stephanie said...

She is definitely cute Sally. I plan on holding her a LOT over Christmas so it's a good thing she enjoys to be held. See you soon.

Jana said...

Finally! I have been checking everyday for more picts! She really is cute! I totally understand what you mean about how hard it is to capture how cute they really are. Good job!

Janet Mae said...

cute, cute, cute!

Sunshine said...

She's so way cute. Funny because I think your kids favor your side of the family a lot.