Sunday, November 9, 2008

Random Thoughts and Happenings

I've been pretty busy this week. I really wanted to do a 'three week' post for Lilah, but she was three weeks old on election day and I was pretty preoccuied. Then Mike went out of town and it's really hard to take pictures of an infant by I'll wait and do a 'four week' post in a few days.

Yes, my husband abandoned me only 3 weeks after I'd given birth and left me alone with all four kids. Why am I afraid to be alone with my kids? We've survived and are looking forward to his return this afternoon. Mike had to go to Logan UT for his business. That is where the headquarters of our franchise is. My sister, Betsy's husband was also in Logan for his job and he and Mike ended up in the same hotel. How crazy is that?

Today was the primary program and it was entertaining. I was glad to not have to juggle all four kids alone for the whole meeting. Keeping them all under control until the sacrament was over
was hard enough! Lilah woke up and needed me to hold her - so I was a bit handicap with the kids - at home I can threaten and bribe the older kids and I can hold Madeline and Lilah at the
same time - at church - that stuff doesn't really work as well and I have to be quiet and be careful not to give anyone a show since I'm wearing a skirt....its just harder! As soon as the sacrament was over Anna Elise and Calvin got to sit up front. Madeline was really determined to go with them, but her Aunt Rachel talked her into staying with us. Madeline very loudly and repeatedly pointed out 'Talvin' and 'Lise' to everyone. Anna Elise did very well. She had her part memorized, but was a bit shy and her teacher didn't give her much of a chance to say it before whispering it to her, but that was ok. She did a very good job singing. Calvin had a great time doing the program. He had the whole congregation laughing at him, and he knew it! He is a little jokester. He told me all morning he wasn't going to sing. I begged and bribed him to sing but he said he wouldn't. He marched right up there and yelled the words to the first two songs before I caught his eye long enough to give him a stern look and shake my head. Yelling for a song is cute, yelling for the whole program is distracting and tiresome. He was a good little boy and listened to me and stopped yelling (I was suprised he obeyed so well) He did yell his part into the microphone, but sang in a normal voice for the rest of the time. Everytime he was tempted to yell he would get a grin on his face and look at me - then he would shake his head and keep singing. After the program he came running over to me and said "Momma, I tricked you, I did sing". He'd spent all morning telling me he wouldn't sing to trick me!

I am adjusting to having 4 now. I think as long as I have a stroller or shopping cart I'll be ok. My first outing to the library was a disaster. We always keep both strollers in the car. I had forgotten that Mike had taken them out. So there I was with all the kids and no stroller. I should've gone home and come back later, but I didn't. Madeline ran all over the library, I usually just go to the children't section but that day we saw a lot more of the library. All three kids dropped their books repeatedly since we didn't have a place to put them. On the way out to the car Anna Elise took advantage of the situation and tried to go her own way back. She listened when I told her to come back, but Madeline, who copies everything they do and say, followed Anna Elise out but didn't come back, so while I chased her down Calvin tried to cross the street himself and thanks to some lady he didn't. I told the kids when we got back to the car that if they were ever that bad at the library again we wouldn't come back. I'm willing to try it one more time with a stroller and see how it goes.

My maternity leave is half over and I can't believe how fast the time is flying by. I have to go back after Thanksgiving. I am only back for a little over 2 weeks and then I'm taking 2 more weeks off to go home to WA for Christmas - so it shouldn't be too bad. I'm going enjoy the next weeks just being a mom!


Trina said...

What a great post. Thanks for a good laugh. I really enjoyed reading about Calvin and the primary program. At least he sings. Tucker only sings the first and last words of the song so that it looks like he sings. I am hoping that this year he sings more of the songs. I am thinking of bribing him also.

Betsy said...

I would have loved seeing them at their program. Calvin sounds so cute.
I am glad you survived those days without Mike.
It was totally random that Mike and Dave saw each other, what are the odds?

Jana said...

I cannot even imagine. I have to be honest, part of me would have wanted to just stayed home from church! How on earth did you manage to get them all ready?!
Good luck!