Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

So the marathon catch up begins...with me!  I turned 32 on December 21st.  I spent my birthday at my parent's and I had a great birthday!  I got most of my presents well before my birthday and I actually went out and bought them.  I got a new coat from my mom and some jewelry from Mike.   My mom made an amazing chocolate cake (the female family favorite) several days before my birthday so we could all actually have more then just a sliver of a piece since the family was all showing up on Dec.20th.  It was great.  When my birthday actually came I didn't expect anything, I'd had it all.  I was pleasantly surprised by a card and a candybar from Mike, a gift from Trina and a really pretty necklace from my mom.  It was great to be remembered and to be able to spend my birthday with my whole family!  I don't have any pictures - sorry!  If you look at my family picture from Novemeber and the new family picture I will post from December, I am wearing birthday jewelry in both!  I'm really feeling ok with being 32, the only thing really bothering me is the gray hair that is starting to come in.  Thank you so much for your help in finding all of it Trina!  I think I can continue to pluck it out a strand at a time for now.


BrittanyLane said...

Hope you had a fantastic birthday! If I have grey hair, I just don't want to know about it. I just keep coloring it and hopefully I'll never find out...

Jessica said...

Just be happy you can pluck those hairs out! I started getting gray hair about 3 years ago and I'm already about 25% gray. I guess its a good thing I love to color my hair! Belated Happy Birthday to you!