Monday, February 2, 2009


So, I need some ideas. I need a dinner that we can eat cold, in the car, that isn't
messy and that isn't sandwiches. Does that exist? Any ideas out there? I know,
I might just have to go with sandwiches, but that is not a favorite at our house and
we will be eating them twice that week anyway, so if there is anything else that I could
make, let me know!


The Grames Clan said...

That's a tough one--my friend does "breakfast for dinner" in the car--cold cereal in bags with a sippy cup of milk and a banana or bag of grapes, etc. on the side. You could even do pancakes--Chris' whole family will eat them cold with no syrup for snacks (have to make them from scratch, though--only way they taste good enough cold) :)

I guess there's always the lunchables copycat--crackers, cheese, ham, etc. My kids always get a kick out of that.

Post what you come up with--I'm always looking for great ideas

Stephanie said...

The only thing I can think of is the wing ding chicken that we use to always eat on our way to grandma's for least that's when I think we use to always eat it in the car. I don't know if you're kids will like it but that's an idea for you.

Jana said...

If your kids like hotdogs make some mummy dogs. Is this for your vacation?

Eyvon said...

If you can eat wing ding chicken maybe you could just eat your chicken nuggets cold. You would cook them first, of course. I will try to think of more ideas. There are always hard boiled eggs.

Vicki Sabin said...

Sally - I'm probably too late to add a comment to this post, but I'll try just in case. My first thought was wraps - using tortillas. But our latest favorite is a smokey wrapped in roll dough and baked. They are like pigs in a blanket and kids and adults LOVE them. They are easy and don't need refrigeration (well for extended period of time they would). Good luck! Vicki SAbin :)

Sunshine said...

I make pizza or broccolli/(you could do pepperoni) rolls. Also quiche. They all taste good room temperature. Those are my favorite things to bring to the beach because by lunch time they're not cold but just perfect.