Friday, February 27, 2009

25 Random Things

I know, another boring post with no pictures of my kids. Our computer won't read
our memory card so I can't blog about Valentine's Day and post those pictures...this will have to do.
I've been tagged on Facebook and bloggs more times then I can count so I am finally going to do it and I am not tagging anyone else, so don't be afraid to read it!

1. Mike is coming home tonight from being gone for 5 days. I really miss him when he is gone - but I get a lot more done, I'm a better mom, and I'm even more efficient when he isn't here. I've found that this is true for other women as well - Why?

2. I'm very afraid of the dark and of ghosts. I really am. I don't want to talk about it - it will freak me out and Mike doesn't get home for another 45 minutes. From the time I was fairly young it's been an issue and I don't think very many people even know about it.

3. I only have job security through September. I'm not worried, I really think one of the submitted grants will get funded, but it's a reality we have to face now. If I did lose my job - I wouldn't be looking for a new one here - I'd be looking out west!!! It wouldn't be all bad!

4. I don't really like showering. I do shower. I do like being clean. However, I'm always cold when I shower and then I have to start over and fix my hair again, put more lotions on, put more makeup on (sometimes) and I hate putting clothes on if I have any water on me - they stick. So, I'd rather just be able to get clean some other way - without getting wet. Come to think of it, I don't really like getting wet, ever...hmmm

5. I LOVE Jane Austin movies. I've seen them, I own them, I rewatch them. I just love them. I've never read a Jane Austin novel. I am an avid reader and I've never read her novels. Is that weird? It's awful, that's what it is!

6. I use the excuse that I work so I'm too busy to do home making things - like crafts, scrapbooking, decorating my house, doing elabrate birthday cakes, ect. Honestly, even if I didn't work, I don't think I'd do those things. I've done a little scrapbooking and I've tried with cakes, but I'm just not good at those things and I find myself getting frustrated when I try. The time it takes to set up and then clean up those things is also a pain. I think they are all great and occasionally I feel guilty that I don't do them or wish that I could, but thats just not me. I'm willing to accept that i don't do them - but will continue to use my job as an excuse as to why I don't.

7. I am starting to enjoy cooking. It's kind of weird. I always say I can't cook, but I am starting to try a few new things and I am starting to get better and the better I get the more I enjoy it. I feel like I'm no longer afraid of recipes with yeast in them. When I view cooking as a science, I get it! I made orange rolls from scratch this week and they were so good! I can do this! I've been getting better with soups and I feel confident with a few salads and desserts. I will probalby always serve very basic meals with very little pretention for my family, but I am not going to be afraid to do something fun for a party or potluck!

8. I wish I could justify spending money on a pedicure every month. I love them. I tend to only splurg and get them while I am pregnant.

9. I tend to only talk about the silly, funny, or awful things that my kids do that make me laugh or cry or want to go to bed for a week. I very rarely express how much I love my kids. I tend to only be physically demonstrative with them in private. I just want to make sure everyone knows that I love my kids more then anything. I would do anything for them. I worry about teaching them and setting a good example for them. I think my kids know I love them, I try to tell them every day - that is something that is hard for me to say.

10. I tend to talk to much when I haven't had adult contact in too long. I went to a girls night out last night and I think I said too much. I need to be more aware of when I'm feeling shut in and guard my tongue better.

11. I love candy.

12. I don't really like listening to music - except for sometimes in the car. I prefer quiet.

13. I love my blackberry. Mike made me get it, I didn't want it, I still complain about it, I don't carry it when I don't want to - but when I need it and I have it and use it - I love it!

14. I don't think anybody should be able to use ALL CAPS in emails. I hate getting yelled at that way at work.

15. I tend to get angry fast, I can be very reactive and Mike is the perfect calming effect on me. He takes his time, weights the options, thinks things through and is patient in helping me calm down enough to do those things to. I usually come around.

16. I love my church calling. It's perfect. I teach the "teachings for our times' RS lesson - once a month.

17. I don't like shoe shopping and I don't own that many shoes and I'm ok with that.

18. I think I'm 'handy' and Mike thinks I'm not. What does that say about me? I'm motivated to do things, I just don't do them well...

19. I love grocery shopping. I think Trina said this too. I really enjoy it. So much that I'll even do it with all four of my kids.

20. I walk twice a week with a friend. I go for the social interaction, but the walking is good for me to. We walk fast and talk faster.

21. Most of my socks have holes in them - my second and third toes are longer then
my big toe and I think that is why I get holes in them so quickly.

22. I don't really like facebook.

23. I don't like talking on the phone with people. After years of talking to my mom on the phone, that is really the only person I like talking to on the phone. Usually it's awkward and I don't like it and I'd rather email someone or see them in person or even mail them a letter. When I do have to call people, sometimes I hope to get the answering machine, I'd rather leave a message then talk to someone. I sometimes just don't answer my phone. This is sometimes a problem for me at work - I just don't like to use the phone.

24. I love lists and checking things off the list. Mike gets frustrated because I usually add things to the list quicker then I cross them off. Mike would like to finish a list occassionally.

25. I'm addicted to the internet. I spend too much time on it. I'm serious, it's something I'm working on. That is sad.

I think this blog has turned into 'true confessions' or something. Sorry. I try to not be too personal on the blog - I'm really tired and I never stay up this late...


Dave and Ashley Gay said...

I totally agree about talking on the phone. I absolutely hate it.


Trina said...

I was reminded that we have a lot in common. I was reading your list and saying I do that or I'm like that. It was fun to read your list.

BrittanyLane said...

They DO have a blog:
Love your list by the way...

Charity said...

Sally it was so fun to read! I am with you on the phone thing too-sometimes I just don't feel like answering the phone-and so I don't!

Jessica said...

I'm grateful to whoever started the 25 random things...its such a fun way to connect. I love your honesty!