She wouldn't eat her cereal this morning. I mixed it all up for her and then unthinkingly started to give her the bowl. When I quickly pulled it back realizing who it was and that I needed to feed her she cried - that 'hurt feelings' kind of cry - so sad! About halfway through she refused to eat anymore. When I wasn't looking she snagged the spoon, used it to get the bowl and began 'feeding herself'. She thought it was great fun and wouldn't let mommy help anymore!
She has also started that fake laugh and cheesy fake smile. If someone else is laughing she assumes it's at her and she laughs too. She also cheeses it up big time for any reason.
She is into everything. I was spoiled with Madeline, she is pretty laid back and content, but Lilah is a go getter. As in she goes and gets everything out of my cupboards, takes my laundry out of the baskets and off the couch, and anything else she can take out!
Earlier today Madeline turned the sit 'n' spin on (it plays music) stood on it and danced. She left and I turned around to see Lilah standing on the sit 'n' spin waving her hands in the air, bouncing to the music and smiling gleefully. She thinks she is big and I am in big trouble!
Trouble, trouble, trouble! You must have your hands full. Its a good thing she's so cute and that she's figured out the smiling on cue helps you not be quite as mad.
Sounds like my little one. She also insisted on feeding herself early. Except we don't have any 2 year olds so she thinks she's five!
She is so cute, she looks like you to is so sad that they try to grow up so fast.
Your 'isms' on the sidebar are HILARIOUS! I laughed and laughed, truly, that Calvin is to die for. Keep writing them down and you could publish them one day! LOL FUNNY! And I totally did! Laugh out loud that is..
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