Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a great Valentine's Day. It started with a valentine package from Grandma with a toys, cards, and candy for all the kids. They loved everything!

Then we mixed up, rolled out, and baked heart sugar cookies. After church we frosted them. The kids did a good job. Making sugar cookies isn't my favorite activity - but it went really well today.

Mike gave the kids a pot of yellow tulips, they wanted to each pick one, but we convinced them to leave the tulips in the pot and we could re-pot them in individual pots later.

As usual for Sunday we had breakfast for dinner, but today we had pink colored heart shaped pancakes with heart shaped sausage. I even managed to write 'Love' on Anna Elise's pancake with syrup.

It was a good day!

The kids with their loot from Grandma

Anna Elise decorated this cookie all by herself - she spelled it and everything!
Calvin and his favorite cookie.

Madeline busy at work with her cookies
She thinks she is sneaking a bite of frosting

Breakfast for dinner

Anna Elise wanted to take some pictures so she took a picture of their tulips
and a picture of me with my tulips
Aren't you glad this post wasn't about snow? I wish I could say we're done with snow - but I can't because it's still here and there is more coming tomorrow. I'll take bets on whether or not we have school or work tomorrow...


Megan said...

Yes! The raincheck is for tomorrow. haha. You look so pretty in the pic. Looks like you guys had a great day.

Jessica said...

Those tulips must be a refreshing sight with all that snow you've been having. I hope that spring comes soon for you guys!

Betsy said...

Looks like fun. I love the girls in their boas.