Monday, March 26, 2012

Scratched Cornea

Mike was cutting trim and got something in his eye.  He tried to get it out but soon his eye was swollen and so painful he couldn't open it.  He drove himself to Patient First, our urgent care clinic in Richmond.  They checked him in and did all the preliminary 'stuff'.  His eye was swollen and he kept one hand over it.  They did a vision test.  They actually asked him to read the chart with his hurt eye and seemed stymied when he refused.   He thought it was funny, I found it to be disturbing that they couldn't figure out why he couldn't take a vision test with his eye swollen shut.  Anyway, once the real Dr was able to see him they determined it was a scratched cornea and sent him home with drops and instructions to not watch TV, work on the computer, or read for the rest of the day.  He was in quite a bit of pain but should be feeling better in a day or two.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Ouch! If only it was Halloween...he could put on a black eye patch and be a pirate.