Thursday, March 1, 2012


We recently switched Celeste from her infant carrier to a toddler car seat.  She never really liked her seat (read: she screamed when we buckled her in) and she is actually really heavy to carry around in that thing - so we made the switch.  Now that the carrier is gone, she gets to ride in the shopping cart seat when we go shopping.  Only, she prefers watching where we are going - so she rides like this (regardless of what I say, do, or how that thing is buckled, she goes right back to this). 


Trina said...

So funny! Do people make comments?

Sally said...

Just dirty looks.

Sunshine said...

That's hillarious! I'm sure you'l get some comments. If you don't, I'm moving there. I can't even take my babies out without there socks on and not hear about it!

Heidi said...

That's how Lindsey rides in the cart too! She just wants to see what's going on.