Friday, November 23, 2012

Christmas is Coming!

The day after Thanksgiving we move right into Christmas!  We got up and did a little bit of Black Friday Shopping - nothing too crazy this year.  We take the kids to 5 Below and go shopping for the sibling exchange.  They draw each other's names and find something for $5.  It was so hard for Lilah to be surrounded by so many great things and focus on getting something for Calvin - she didn't even want to look at boy stuff - but she did a good job picking out a gift.  Then we hit Lowes and I got my $.99 poinsettias for me and my VT sisters.  I love poinsettias!  We did go to a couple of other stores, but since Mike had to go to work for a few hours - I didn't stay out long with all the kids by myself! 
We went home and drug out all of the Christmas decorations.  The kids wrapped the gifts they had just bought while we waited for Dad to come home and help us with the hard stuff.  It's hard when Thanksgiving is so early in November - it makes Christmas feel so far away!  This year my kids aren't done with school until December 21st - so 4 full weeks until Christmas even feels close!  They seem to think the anticipation is going to kill them and have decided that if they ask enough times I might let them open one present early - not to worry, I won't give in =)


Nancy said...

Your tree is absolutely beautiful.

Trina said...

Your tree is gorgeous! You are brave to take all your kids black Friday shopping!