Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mattawa, Day 4

Today everyone left except us.  Trina and Stephanie and their kids left this morning.  We managed to play with Betsy's kids for a little while before they had to go as well.  The kids pulled out the face painting kit and everyone participated in the fun! 

Betsy's painted Ella's butterfly face and I did Madeline's, it's hard to see because it's pink.  Mike did Anna Elise's blue disco diva, Lilah's crazy vampire, and Calvin's Spiderman.  Anna Elise did a good job on Mike's tiger face.

1 comment:

Trina said...

Cute picture!! I love that Mike let Anna Elise paint his face. What a great dad! We were sorry to leave. The kids had so much fun with their cousins!