Sunday, July 8, 2012

Thank You

I just got done catching up for the past two weeks with 12 posts!  Happy reading!  One thing has struck me as I've gone back and posted about our lives and that is how grateful I am for our blessings.  I'm grateful we had a house to stay in that had air conditioning.  I'm grateful that despite the heat and lack of power we had fun and still did some fun activities and had lots of family time.  I'm grateful that our kids enjoyed the adventure and didn't complain (just I did).  I'm grateful for the MANY kind offers from friends and neighbors - we had lots of help and offers of help and people looking out for us and I appreciate it.   Thank you Chacon's and Sister Beadles for offering us a place to stay, thank you to Nekell for letting us come play one afternoon, thank you to Brother Malan for checking on us after the storm, thank you to our neighbors for offering us a generator if we didn't get ours back and keeping us posted on the progress, thanks to everyone who asked how we were or if we needed anything.


marcalicious said...

you are a serious trooper Sally! You had to entertain all your kidlets, husband and you while you were dripping in sweaty heat --- definitely one memory you will remember forever. way to go! :)

Heidi said...

I'm with Marci! I admire you for all you went through this last week and dealing with no power or A/C in that heat. How miserable! You are for sure a trooper! Your kids are lucky to have you as a mom!