Monday, March 9, 2009

Lovely Little Lilah

Lilah went in for her 4 month check up a couple of weeks ago. The nurses fell
in love with her. They all held her and passed her from nurse to nurse while I took
Madeline across the hall to get her blood drawn. Both did so well at the Dr. Lilah
weighs 14 and a half pounds and I can't remember how long she is. She is in the 95
percentile for length and 75 percentile for weight. So she is a big girl! She is still
a happy and patient baby. She loves attention and loves to watch her siblings. She
laughs and giggles all the time. She smiles at anyone that is talking (she LOVES RS
where she thinks everyone making comments is talking to her). She likes to be sung
to and she loves 'peek a boo'. Her newest trick is that she has learned to roll over
and does it often - especially in bed. Lilah's favorite thing to do is sit in her walker.
I started putting her in the walker in January, just as a place for her to sit and watch
everyone. Her little legs grew so long that she was soon moving herself around. Now she
goes from room to room, following the kids. She circles around the dinning room table
while we eat and visits each of us. It's incredible to watch her go. We did get a not very
good video of her kind of moving in her walker - it doesn't do her justice! I hope to get some
better pictures or video of her and more of her new tricks!

1 comment:

Janet Mae said...

Lilah is so cute. You should put up more videos of the kids.